On March 22, 2024, the Granite State Section held a joint meeting hosted by the Vermont Section. The speaker was Robert Freeman, a member of ISO/TC 176/SC 2/WG 29
“Revision of ISO 9001”. His presentation was “ISO 9001:2025 A Preview of What’s to Come!” He had a short presentation outlining the schedules and some of the major issues. He took the time to answer
many questions and explained the process to discuss and decide on changes. The online meeting had the largest number of participants for the Vermont section.
March 27, 2024, saw the first in-person meeting of the Granite State section. Dan O’Leary spoke on “Understanding Attribute Lot Acceptance Sampling Plans”. He explained the use of ANSI Z1.4 and the
c=0 sampling plans revised by ASQ last year. Participants had copies of the tables and walked through examples. In addition, the presentation included an explanation of the binomial distribution and
how it applies to attribute sampling.
Granite State is partnering with nearby sections to hold joint meetings. This can help bring a variety of topics to the members.
The Merrimack Valley, Vermont, and Worcester sections have invited Granite State members to join their meetings, even if they are not joint meetings. Close cooperation with nearby sections will help
provide educational opportunities for Granite State members as well as RUs to support recertification. This newsletter will provide the information when available.
The Worcester section will conduct ASQ certification exam courses for CQA, CQE, and CQT. See the information below.
The SLT continues to use its communication channels to members including myASQ, the section website, https://www.asq104.org/, and newsletters. In addition, items from myASQ are in the ASQ Daily
Consolidated Digest which goes to your inbox.
The section is planning a number of events which are described below. We look forward to member attendance.
The Section Leadership Team, SLT, is looking for new members. See SLT Members Needed below for the open positions. This is a good opportunity to help the section and support your
The section welcomes members who can make a presentation at a dinner meeting or write an article for this newsletter. In addition to contributing to the section, these activities can help support
your recertification.
Dan O’Leary CMDA, CQA, CQE, CRE, CSSBBHello Granite Stater,
It is a pleasure to be the Chair-Elect of the Granite State Section. I have been involved with ASQ for many years and have previously been a member of the Granite State Senior Leadership Team, SLT.
The section, and other professional societies, have been through rough times due to COVID-19. It is now building back and I’m glad to participate in the work. My theme is relevance through
communication, activities for the members, and support of the quality profession. The communication channels include the section website https://www.asq104.org/, the section discussion list on myASQ,
and a periodic newsletter such as this one. The activities portion includes both membership meetings and webinars. New Hampshire is geographically large, which makes attending the traditional dinner
meeting difficult. However, holding some section meetings online can help. Relevance also means professional development enhancing quality skills. To the extent possible, we will link the activities
to some of the ASQ certification’s Body of Knowledge. This will help members acquire new knowledge and maintain current skills.
Dan O’Leary CMDA, CQA, CQE, CRE, and CSSBB